Sunday, 12 February 2012

gotta love sundays? :s

i hate sunday. every single sunday in my life always suck. except if the next day i dont have to go to school. yeaa monday. sounds creepy. i hate sunday because the next day after it is monday. and  monday means first day of school. more over the ceremony. stand up for maybe 15minutes on field. what for?-,,-
for ceremony we have to wear hat and tie. its a must! or we gonna get detention. shit? yes.

i wear hat and stupid tie every week just to avoid detention. or get mad by my "wali kelas". i dunno whats "wali kelas" in english. in indonesia it means a teacher who choosen by maybe principal just for one class. one class one "wali kelas". haha sounds weirddd.
now im waiting kfc to call me!! argh so long. im hungry!!!! cant wait anymore!! zzzz. i dunno which one i shud call. 14022 or 29923. 14022 is for jakarta. but it can also serves all region. and 29923 just for bontang only. i called 29923 and nobody answered. so i call 14022. and it says that it will confirm to kfc bontang first. and now... what to do?? i just called 14022 for the second times. hahahaahahhhha i dunno what will happen next, maybe i'll just send TNT to kfc. 
see sundays are always suck. i get bad luck on sunday. it proven rite? 

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