Thursday, 26 April 2012

kimia merepotkans

pengen deh sekali-sekali ngepost in bahasa indonesia, tapi nanti pasti gacul </3 iya gacul, aneh gitulah. aku orang mana sih sebenernya. papua kah ya, yasudah, post kali ini akan membahas kimia. or in english we call it CHEMISTRY

today was exhausting but probably exciting! \:D/ i almost done an assignment (in groups). its an assignment for chemistry subject. we gotta make a presentation and video. i didn't really work on the presentation, so in the end I'm an actress on our video :3 mmm there's sum1, last week he didnt make it. today? he did the same. good. u better quit motherfucker, hate u so much. r u lazy to do it or what? u wont meet us? ah i know, u wont meet me, am'i right? hell yeah go away, we don't that need u although, fuck off *anger reaches its peak*

it has to be submitted and presented at the end of April. arent we having a test? mmmmm so confused. btw im going to school tomorrow, hmm cant wait to see that mothafucka, what else reason would he make? lets see

hehe S for Sye. S for Sisi. S for Smile :)

le my brotha ;3

le me and some lovely mothafucka doing homework haha

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